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Training Delivery

Effective Training Delivery is more than great training materials


Through completing Training Material Development activities, leading the pilot training classes, and delivering Train-the-Trainer sessions, Orpe Human Rights Advocates is well-positioned to support your training leaders when the sessions go-live. These activities also give OHRA a great foundation so we are able to step-in when additional trainers are required.


Clerestory ensures that the right training is delivered to the right people at the right time

OHRA Experts work to coordinate training, design attendance rosters, and execute sessions to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the training.  We have the experience to support hundreds of employees and complex schedules across multiple locations.



Our experience has shown us that:

  • Having end-users attend the right training is a critical component to the project’s success.  A lot of effort is spent creating the training curriculum and materials targeted to specific end-user groups.  All that effort is wasted if people don’t attend training and puts the project’s success at risk.  Recognizing this importance, we make sure that the right people attend training at the right time. 

  • Scheduling begins with identifying which roles need to attend which training modules.  After roles are mapped to training modules, individuals are mapped to roles with the assistance of the location’s staff.  A class schedule is developed based on the number of individuals that will be attending a given training module.  The class schedule is built to accommodate training prerequisites, shift schedules, number of participants, and trainer and room availability.  Individuals are assigned to class times and invitations are sent to the attendees so that they are aware of their training schedule.  Sign-in sheets are used to track attendance for each training class.  The sign-in sheets are referenced to the training schedule to ensure that everyone has attended the training.  If an individual misses a training class, he is slotted into the next available class or, if necessary, given one-on-one training.

  • Because an intimate knowledge of an individual’s role and work schedule is needed, the location’s HR staff is typically involved to ensure individuals are assigned to the right role, to help track training, and to ensure that users attend the training that they need.


For additional information on our Training Delivery Method, Contact Us.

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