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USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 2 – Definition of Child for Citizenship and Naturalization
USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 3 – United States Citizens at Birth (INA 301 and 309)
USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 4 – Automatic Acquisition of Citizenship after Birth (INA 320)
USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 5 – Child Residing Outside of the United States (INA 322)
USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 2 – Definition of Child for Citizenship and Naturalization
USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 3 – United States Citizens at Birth (INA 301 and 309)
USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 4 – Automatic Acquisition of Citizenship after Birth (INA 320)
USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 5 – Child Residing Outside of the United States (INA 322)
Human Rights Advocates
Order for Restoring Peace on Earth (ORPE)
Restoring Human Dignity: A Divine Mandate and a Commitment to Advancing the Rule of Law
We commit to intervening wherever human dignity is violated, fundamental rights are undermined, or justice is denied, taking every action within our capacity to uphold human rights, honor divine law, and preserve the rule of law.
Email: advocacy@orpe.org
Tel: +1 202-972-5030
Inadequate income, employment and education are well-documented as contributing factors of people cycling in and out of homelessness. Solving these inadequacies would create possibilities of moving out of homelessness.
Developing education, training and employment (ETE) programs for people experiencing homelessness is different than doing so for the housed population, because of factors such as lack of a permanent address, inability to maintain proper hygiene or nutrition, challenges of following shelter rules while employment, physical or mental health and/or addictions issues. There is a need for skills-based training including job readiness skills and life skills training including money management.
Because the average education levels of people experiencing homelessness are lower than the general public, they may experience challenges with participating in the formal labor market. Programs to help improve the education levels of people experiencing homelessness need to recognize and accommodate these challenges. This is a similar situation for work programs and is one of the reasons why social enterprise programs, which focus more on community good than profit, are so successful in the homelessness sector.
Youth experiencing homelessness have their own unique set of challenges assessing income, education and employment -- the same can be said for single parents. Most programs for youth experiencing homelessness in the United States focus on skills development (getting them into the job market) rather than providing them with an opportunity to finish school. That's why Orpe Human Rights Advocates developed educational programs and trainings focused on providing second chance of education to qualified youth adults, homeless, and veterans.