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Many jobs require specialized credentials to prove a candidate has the knowledge and skill to complete the duties of the job successfully. A candidate with a relevant certificate may have an easier time finding a job and advancing in their field. It's useful to know about certificates available in your field, as they can be a shorter and more affordable way to enter an industry than other educational paths.


In this article, we discuss 45 types of certificate programs for various career fields that can help you advance and achieve your goals

Benefits of certificate programs

Below are some of the reasons it's worthwhile to learn about and pursue a certificate program in your chosen field:

  • Helps you switch fields: If you're interested in changing careers, earning a certificate could help you gain the credentials that some employers may require in your new field. It's a cheaper and faster alternative than getting a degree in your target area. 

  • Qualifies you for specialized jobs: Certificate programs can help you plan for advancing in your career and progressing towards your goals. When you understand the options available to you, it can be much easier to choose a specialization that appeals to your interests and abilities. 

  • Grows your network: When you participate in a certificate program, you typically meet peers pursuing the same industry as you and experienced faculty members. This could help you expand your professional network.

Related: Certificate vs. Degree: What's the Difference?



45 types of certificate programs by subject

Here are some certificate programs available for different career fields:


Business certificate programs

Here are some common business certificate programs:

1. Accounting:There are many entry-level and advanced certifications for positions in accounting. You may learn the fundamentals of finance or specialized information about types of accounting. These certifications may also teach you how to keep records and financial books and use common accounting software programs.

2. Administrative assistant: These certifications are usually for entry-level positions and teach you the basics of supporting an office. Some lessons taught in these programs are how to use office technology like printers and software, how to interact with clients or patients and general organizational skills.

3. Human resources (HR): An HR certificate could help you learn how to manage benefits and compensation packages, develop effective training and rewards programs and resolve complex issues. They may also help you build a positive company culture and encourage diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

4. E-commerce: An e-commerce certificate aims to teach you effective methods for running an online business. Lessons may include how to choose products to sell, how to market those products through online ads and which software programs are the most useful for your needs.

5. Marketing analyst: This certificate program provides courses on how to analyze marketing data to generate more sales for your company. You may learn about important software for collecting and comparing data, how to read data to find patterns and what course of action to take depending on the results.

Related: Guide To Business Analyst Training and Certifications


Art certificate programs

Examine the following art certificate programs:

6. Graphic design: A graphic design certificate provides you with the skills necessary to create interesting designs with computer applications. This certification may teach you about graphic design software and the elements of good visual design.

7. Animation: Certificate programs in animation aim to teach you how to animate art for different mediums, like shows, movies and video games. This type of certification teaches you how to use industry-standard animation software, how to follow a style guide and how to create smooth animations.

8. Game design: These certificate programs give you basic or in-depth knowledge about designing art for video games, board games or card games. Lessons in this program may include the elements of visual design, following or creating an art style guide and the mediums for creating game art.

9. Photography: A photography certification teaches you how to take visually appealing photographs. While most programs teach the basics of visual design and how to use a camera, you may take specialized courses for types of photography that use different methods or shoot different subjects.


Technology certificate programs

Technology certificate programs include:

10. Programming languages: This type of certificate proves your skill in a specific programming language and teaches you how to code using the styles and techniques of the language. These courses usually include small and large projects to help you practice.

11. Application architecture: Application architecture certificate programs teach you how to design and create applications. These advanced certifications typically require programming experience and teach you how to create an effective framework for applications.

12. Machine learning: A machine learning certificate program gives you an opportunity to learn about and implement machine learning software. These advanced courses may handle topics like the basics of artificial intelligence, how to teach your software to recognize text or pictures and ways you can use your knowledge successfully.

13. Computer systems: This certificate program allows candidates, especially those with tech experience, to learn about managing and troubleshooting computer systems. Lessons may include how a computer system or network works, common issues clients or colleagues might encounter and how to resolve those issues.

14. Cybersecurity: Earning a cybersecurity certificate could teach you how to build and manage secure networks, databases and devices. You may learn how to manage access and identities, create firewalls, detect threats and develop incident response practices.

Related: 5 IT Certifications for Your Career


Education certificate programs

Some certificate programs in education are:

15. Teaching assistant: This type of certificate program provides resources on how to be a teaching assistant for any various grade levels, but typically focuses on preschool and elementary school assistants. A course may show you how to interact with students, prepare small lessons and exemplify classroom rules in different situations.

16. Early childhood education: Teachers for students under age eight typically require an early childhood education certificate to lead a classroom. These certificate programs often include student teaching experience and courses on child behavior and development.

17. Elementary education: Elementary education certificates focus on helping teachers understand how to teach children in elementary school. Courses may include student teaching opportunities, courses on child behavior and development and how to create lesson plans for core subjects like math, reading, social studies and science.

18. Athletic coaching: School athletic coaches may not need a certification to work, but the knowledge from a program can help them better support students' athletic experiences. This type of certificate program teaches coaches about physical milestones for each age group and how to handle injuries.

19. Teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL): TESOL trains you in how to teach new speakers to write, read, speak and understand English. A TESOL credential could qualify you to teach in a school or to teach English outside the United States remotely or abroad.

20. American sign language (ASL) or interpreter education: Earning a certificate in teaching ASL and interpretation may help you specialize in this language. Because working as an interpreter is a highly specialized profession, it requires specialized teachers who understand deaf culture and history along with the principles of language instruction.

Related: How To Get a Teaching Certificate After Earning a Bachelor's Degree


Food service certificate programs

Here are a few certificate programs in food service:

21. Cake decorating: This certification is a specialized program within culinary arts to help students interested in cake design learn decorating techniques. Lessons may include how ingredients interact with one another, how to create visually appealing designs and how to keep a decorated cake intact.

22. Baking and pastries: A baking and pastry certification proves your skills as a baker and pastry chef. The skills you learn in this program are usually types of baked goods, common recipes and the science behind baking. You may choose to complete this certification while pursuing a culinary arts degree.

23. Culinary arts: This type of certificate program prepares you for a role as a chef in different areas of the culinary field. These programs often teach you how to prepare food safely and how to make popular or traditional recipes, and they may qualify you to work in a kitchen to gain experience.

Related: What Are Food Service Skills?


Mechanical and construction certificate programs

Certificates programs in the mechanical field include:

24. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) technician: Certificate training for HVAC technicians aim to teach you how to install, repair and replace all elements of an HVAC system. Lessons for this program may include electrical safety, the functions of HVAC parts and what kind of HVAC system a house may need for efficient heating and cooling.

25. Automotive technician: Automotive technician certificate programs teach you how to repair and maintain cars, trucks and commercial vehicles. This certification program covers lessons on automotive systems, vehicle and parts safety procedures and common issues that you might encounter.

26. Plumber: The goal of a plumbing certificate program is to prepare you for working with pipes and plumbing fixtures in homes and businesses. These programs may include courses on the tools to use, how water systems connect and how to fix common problems like leaks and blockages.

27. Cable installation: A cable installation certificate can be beneficial for jobs that involve installing modems, telephone lines and other wired systems. In this program, courses can include electrical safety, specific uses of each type of cable and proper placement of the system in a house or business.

28. Welding: Welding certificates are typically hands-on programs that offer some classroom instruction and plenty of practical training to help you learn to weld. Students usually learn how to work with a variety of materials, like plasma, metals, wire and oxy-fuel.

29. Construction management: A construction management certificate applies project management principles to the construction industry. These programs help you learn to manage construction budgets, keep projects on schedule, manage job sites and ensure regulatory compliance.

Related: 15 Certifications for Construction Management (With Tips)


Health care certificate programs

Some health care certificate programs are:

30. Massage therapy: Certificate programs in massage therapy teach you how to use massage techniques to ease a client's stress, tension or pain. Lessons in this program may include different muscles of the body, ethical standards and work station hygiene.

31. X-ray technologist: X-ray technologist roles require training that proves you understand how to perform an x-ray safely. A certificate program may involve courses in x-ray technology, radiology terminology and human anatomy, which includes how to keep yourself and your patients safe from radiation.

32. Medical coding: This type of certificate program gives you the skills necessary to input insurance codes in a healthcare facility. Some things you might learn in these programs include how to maintain privacy for patient information, what software to use and how to use codes to bill insurance.

33. Phlebotomy: Phlebotomy certificate programs teach students basic skills required to collect patient specimens, typically for testing. Lessons may include patient communication, venipuncture techniques, infection control and specimen handling.

34. Dental assistance: A certificate in dental assistance may help you get a job supporting dental offices with administrative and dental duties. You might learn how to use imagining equipment, operate dental equipment, schedule appointments and manage patient records.

35. Medical assisting: A medical assisting program can teach you how to perform basic support duties in health care environments, like collecting specimens, performing tests, attending to patients' hygienic needs and inputting data. A certificate program could qualify you for certification.

36. Nursing assisting: A nursing assistance training program readies you to pursue certification as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). These basic programs may train you in the medical and administrative duties CNAs perform in support of nursing staff, like taking vitals, administering medications and documenting patient activity.

37. Surgical assisting: A certificate program could ready you to become a surgical assistant by training you in topics like hemostasis, pre-operative duties and post-operative duties. Surgical assistants work alongside surgeons and physicians to ensure each procedure is as safe and comfortable for the patient as possible.

Many health care careers require official certifications and state licenses. Research guidelines in your area to learn about supplementing your certificate program with licensure or certification in your chosen area.

Related: 8 Different Career Fields To Explore in Health Care


Agriculture certificate programs

Learn about the following agriculture certificate programs:

38. Agricultural business: Certificates in agricultural business teach you about various aspects of running a farm or agricultural operation. Lessons in this type of program are typically how to sell produce, animals or animal products and how to market those items effectively.

39. Animal control: An animal control certificate program aims to educate you on how to handle loose or wild animals. This may include courses on common animal diseases, catching and containing different species of animals and humane methods of control.

40. Dairy science: A certificate in dairy science focuses on the various aspects of cattle management and milk production. Often, this means you take courses on food safety and microbiology, along with courses on safe cattle handling, humane milk production methods and agricultural economics.

41. Horticulture: This type of certificate program prepares you to work in greenhouses, gardens or farms to produce and study plants. Information in this program includes how to breed plants successfully, how pesticides affect plant production and how to analyze soil composition.

Related: 15 Jobs Within Agriculture


Law certificate programs

Common law certificate programs include:

42. Paralegal: A paralegal certificate can help you get a job in a law office where you can support lawyers in various ways. Lessons for this type of program include the basics of the legal system, how to conduct and compile research for a case and how to perform basic administrative duties.

​43. Court reporter: A certificate as a court reporter provides you with the skills necessary to transcribe what happens in a courtroom. In this type of program, you may learn how to use transcription technology, understand legal terminology and write quickly and accurately.

44. Crime scene technician: Certificate programs for crime scene technicians aim to teach you how to take and analyze evidence from a crime scene. This program may provide information on preventing the contamination of evidence, processing and labeling techniques and methods for analyzing your findings.

45. Fire prevention: A fire prevention certificate program involves learning how to find the source of a fire and how to implement preventative measures. Courses in this program involve learning fire safety codes for buildings, field inspection and common indicators of arson.

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