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Programs Strategic Plan

Intervening Wherever Human Dignity is Compromised! Wherever Fundamental Rights are Impaired! And Taking Action in Whatever comes to Hand

Residential Treatment and Respite Services for Pregnant and Parenting Women with SUD and their Infants


Provide temporary housing to 24 pregnant and postpartum women with SUD and their infants who are homeless or at-risk homelessness.

Behavioral Treatment and Modifications Recovery Center













Within the new Residential treatment facility, we'll be providing programs for recovery from Opioid misuse in pregnant and postparthum women.  We'll be providing comprehensive treatment, prevention and recovery support services for women and their children in this residential substance use treatment facilities, including services for non-residential family members of both the women and children.

Primary Care and Services for Uninsured


At the beginning, this service will be provided in collaboration with our partners "Chase Brexton."  We will be providing non-discriminatory  primary care, with a focus   pregnant and postparthum mothers with SUD and their infants, and on  underserved  communities Health insurance; Pharmacy, Dental services.

HIV Care and Infectious Disease

We'll be provinding services to individuals, women mothers with HIV in collaboration with the Howard County Health Department.

This service will be provided in collaboration with our partners "Chase Brexton" HIV testing, prevention, care, and treatment.  Provide essential outreach, patient education, case management, and care coordination

Case Management


Assess client needs. Develop strategies to help clients. Mange programs and services that benefit clients. Assign social workers to clients

Fresh Start Substance Abuse Recovery Program


Residential treatment program for pregnant and mothers with SUD and children. Substance abuse treatment. A 24/7 family-focused support center.

Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Center


Addressing the psychological, & social aspects of clients. Screening, evaluations, crisis intervention, individual, group counseling, referrals....

Legal Services (Legal Aid)

Assisting in solving legal concerns susceptible of hindering clients to effectively adhere in an established personal plan of behavioral change.

Assisting in solving legal concerns susceptible of hindering clients to effectively adhere in an established personal plan of behavioral change


Assisting individuals, or families overcome personal challenges to lead productive healthy lives. The scope of activities includes assistance with acquiring permanent housing, assisting with self-help housing, and assisting in restoring dignity through skills building, employment services, and job placements.

Assisting individuals and families overcome personal challenges to lead productive, healthy lives. The scope of activities includes assistance with acquiring permanent housing, assisting with self-help housing, and assisting in restoring dignity through skills building, employment services, and job placements.

 Poverty Alleviation


Our approach to poverty alleviation is based on OHRA Wraparound Model. Model is built around the following elements:



Orpe Human Rights Advocates has established a wraparound model focused on an innovative model of alleviating poverty. The model that titled "Restoring Human Dignity" focuses on self-sufficient income creation through the folluing guided programs:


  • Skills building;

  • Social enterprises;

  • Enterpreneurship​

Orpe Human Rights Advocates has established a wraparound model focused on an innovative model of alleviating poverty. The model that titled "Restoring Human Dignity" focuses on self-sufficient income creation through the folluing guided programs:


  • Skills building;

  • Social enterprises;

  • Enterpreneurship​

 Self-Sufficient Income


Our approach to self-sufficient income is based on OHRA Wraparound Model. Model is built around the following elements:


One of the goals associated with Orpe Human Rights Advocates' mission is promoting programs that rehabilitate homeless or at risk-homelessness  change their financial status from zero income, or low- income to the status of self-sufficient income. We homeless or at-risk homelessness in the difficult exercises of behavioral modifications. The program consists of dissuading sociological, psychological, and spiritual behaviors that hold them back from making positive move towards behavioral change.

We'll be programming projects of social enterprises, entrepreneurship within the goal of providing employment to homeless, or ta risk homeless. Programs will be implemented in collaboration with AGLA Consulting.









Social Works

Enhance human well-being and help meet the basic needs of clients, and  empower vulnerable and oppressed clients..

Enhance human well-being and help meet the basic needs of clients, and empower vulnerable and oppressed clients.

Homeless Services

Work to prevent and reduce homelessness through a range of supportive services including eviction prevention , emergency services , transitional housing and permanent affordable housing . Once we engage homeless individuals , including families with children, we stay with them for as long as it takes to return them to self-sufficiency. During this era of COVID-19, we've been responding to the crisis by distribuiting face masks to hospitals, and related medical centers, homeless. We've been distribuiting masks to University of Maryland Medical Centers, Chase Brexton, John Hopkin at Howard General Hospital, community at large (homeless...)


Veterans Programs


Our organization aims to offer a variety of services to Veterans, and their families. Our many programs will be providing aid and support to veterans and their families while targeting unemployment, substance abuse, and homelessness. Recipients will be encouraged to take advantage of multiple offerings so they can move forward into a rich and fulfilling life.

Turning Point Recovery Program


Service for entangled in the Criminal Justice System. Referrals come from the court system in response to addiction issues. It addresses remedies

Immigration legal services

 Providing free or nominal fees legal immigration services to individuals and families who are unable to afford the services of a private lawyer and provides these services regardless of race, religion, sex, or ethnic origin. We are prepared to help families and individuals on finding solutions to their immigration problems, so they can be productive in community.

 Providing free or nominal fees legal immigration services to individuals and families who are unable to afford the services of a private lawyer and provides these services regardless of race, religion, sex, or ethnic origin. We are prepared to help families and individuals on finding solutions to their immigration problems, so they can be productive in community.

Services for Unemployed















Job-readiness programs help homeless, homeless, women mothers, veterans find and maintain stable employment. OHRA will be offering several different  employment programs to fulfill our mission statement. We'll be helping removing people from the status of homelessness, or low-income to the status of sufficient income. Through our program of Restoring Human Dignity, we'll be providing skills building training in the areas of personal development, career development, human ressources, supervisors and managers, Health Care Task Force. We also will be providing job placements

Job-readiness programs help homeless, homeless, women mothers, veterans find and maintain stable employment. OHRA will be offering several different  employment programs to fulfill our mission statement. We'll be helping removing people from the status of homelessness, or low-income to the status of sufficient income. Through our program of Restoring Human Dignity, we'll be providing skills building training in the areas of personal development, career development, human ressources, supervisors and managers, Health Care Task Force. We also will be providing job placements

Services for victims of human trafficking


Our advocates will be offering support through our live chat services.

Services for victims of sexual assault



Shelter Services for Homeless



Hunger Relief



Back to School Packs



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