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Merger & Acquisition

Quickly integrating piece into a whole to deliver meaningful results on schedule


Most well-conceived merger transactions promise tremendous financial results, but few produce bottom-line improvement.  Too often, mergers result in frustrated customers, lowered productivity, minimal cost savings, and a loss of talent.  What’s to keep your merger from falling into the same trap?  The answer is working with an experienced acquisition integration partner like OHRA.


OHRA’s success in merger and acquisition integration comes from our skill in building and managing the vision, approach, and integration plans required to deliver promised cost savings and operational efficiencies.  Achieving these results requires exceptional change management, a proven methodology for tackling process and technology elements, and an unwavering focus on impacted staff.  OHRA’s expertise in each of these areas allows us to drive smooth integrations and successful end results.


When OHRA is involved, whether as facilitators, project managers, or working team members, we involve representatives from both former entities.  Because people best support what they create, we engage key resources collaboratively and create internal ownership.  In addition, we build plans that recognize progress and achieve milestones every 30 days to avoid the “integration fatigue” that has caused many well-conceived mergers to fail.  Finally, by capitalizing on the strengths of each organization, we find we can expand the customer base, improve service and use of technology, increase productivity and communication, accelerate career growth and even generate new career paths.


Core Components of Merger and Acquisition Integration:


  • Documenting a Blueprint for Success – A targeted integration plan based on the new strategies, business objectives and the original rationale for the transaction

  • Creating an Approach for Communications – A communications plan that delivers the right information to the right audiences at the right time

  • Planning for Human Resources – A plan for the retention and integration of key staff members, new organization charts and clarification of titles, rationalized benefits plans and compensation schemes, and assistance with reduction-in-force planning to achieve cost savings from redundancies

  • Integrating Information Systems Plans - Practical implementation plans that identify what needs to be integrated, phased out or replaced and how they can be carried out

  • Consolidating Market Offerings – A plan that rationalizes future product or service offerings, documents synergies between R&D groups, sets priorities for the rollout of new offerings and defines feedback mechanisms

  • Facilitating Operations Planning – Detailed integration plans for the operations of all functional areas, such as accounting, distribution, engineering, manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, and sales

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