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As a human rights organizations, OHRA’s pro bono attorneys will be defending the legal rights of immigrants regardless of background and transform the immigration system to one that affords equal opportunity for all. Currently, 56 individuals and families are in need of pro bono representation in MD, DC, VA areas.


Orpe Human Rights Advocates is still waiting for the recognition of the organization and the accreditation of its staff members. Pro Bono Program will start operating soon after OHRA is recognized and its staff members accredited before the BIA.


Criteria for accepting cases

Orpe Human Rights Advocates will be conducting a dept screening on all cases to ensure that only those who are legally eligible for the immigration benefit sought and those with the fewest private resources enter OHRA’s program and are referred for pro bono representation by attorneys and firms who generously donate their time and expertise. OHRA will be providing training, technical assistance and case support as necessary throughout the life of a case.


An attorney taking a case for the first time must attend one of OHRA's training. Attorneys who accept OHRA cases can be assured that they will have ample support and resources from which to draw to facilitate a successful outcome.


Contact OHRA's pro bono manager to inquire about upcoming training, and read more below about OHRA's pro bono expectations and opportunities.

Pro Bono Expectations And Guidelines

OHRA expects pro bono attorneys to agree to maintain their representation from case commencement to completion. For information about the shared commitment, OHRA and pro bono attorneys agree to when embarking on a collaboration for new cases, read OHRA's Pro Bono Attorney Guidelines.

Types Of Pro Bono Opportunities

OHRA's Pro Bono Program continues to expand with opportunities available to volunteers and clients served across the United States. Here is a general overview of our Pro Bono Program.


OHRA will be  offering opportunities to provide pro bono representation for the following immigrant populations and forms of relief:

  • Asylum (learn more)

  • U Visa (learn more)

  • VAWA (learn more)

  • Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) state predicate orders (learn more)

  • Detained immigrants (learn more)

  • LGBTQ immigrants (learn more)

  • Clinics are organized by the firm or corporate in-house teams and require representation on a minimum number of cases.

    • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

    • Citizenship 

    • Post-asylee/refugee benefits 

To learn more and register for training, contact OHRA's pro bono manager.


Register pro bono attorney with OHRA who would want to represent a client, view the individuals who need your pro bono representation.

The Orpe Human Rights Advocates is pleased to begin a collaborative relationship with you as you and your firm accept thispro bono assignment. To reflect our shared understanding and commitment, we ask that you review these Pro Bono Attorney Guidelines.


OHRA’s Commitment to Pro Bono Attorneys

OHRA understands the majority of its pro bono attorneys have limited immigration law experience. OHRA’s pro bono partners report that asylum, VAWA, U visa, Trafficking and SIJ cases are the most interesting, challenging, and rewarding cases of their careers. Attorneys who accept an OHRA case for pro bono representation can expect that OHRA will provide the support and assistance necessary to capably represent OHRAclients.


OHRA agrees to provide its pro bono attorneys with:


  • Asylum, VAWA, U visa, Trafficking, and SIJ training. OHRA offers basic training courses in each of these topics about once every three months and upon request as staff, resources are available. OHRA will be providing provides advanced training in the form of round table discussions on advanced immigration topics several times each year.


  • Information regarding immigration law, practice, and procedure; sample applications, motions, and pleadings; documentation; and other case resources.


  • Consultations with experienced OHRA practitioners regarding any case-related questions, theories, and trial strategies. OHRA’s attorneys remain current on immigration law, policy, and practice, and frequently serve as faculty at local and national immigration law training.


  • Professional liability insurance. OHRA carries comprehensive professional liability insurance, which specifically covers its pro bono attorneys.


  • Involvement in groundbreaking legal issues and an opportunity to interact with clients from different cultural, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic backgrounds.


  • Unique litigation experience, with opportunities to represent clients before a federal agency or the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals.


  • Exceptional legal experience that will enhance Pro Bono attorney’s career development.

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