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USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 2 – Definition of Child for Citizenship and Naturalization
USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 3 – United States Citizens at Birth (INA 301 and 309)
USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 4 – Automatic Acquisition of Citizenship after Birth (INA 320)
USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 5 – Child Residing Outside of the United States (INA 322)
USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 2 – Definition of Child for Citizenship and Naturalization
USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 3 – United States Citizens at Birth (INA 301 and 309)
USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 4 – Automatic Acquisition of Citizenship after Birth (INA 320)
USCIS Policy Manual, Chapter 5 – Child Residing Outside of the United States (INA 322)
Human Rights Advocates
Order for Restoring Peace on Earth (ORPE)
Restoring Human Dignity: A Divine Mandate and a Commitment to Advancing the Rule of Law
We commit to intervening wherever human dignity is violated, fundamental rights are undermined, or justice is denied, taking every action within our capacity to uphold human rights, honor divine law, and preserve the rule of law.
Email: advocacy@orpe.org
Tel: +1 202-972-5030
Office of Immigration Litigation
The Office of Immigration Litigation (OIL) was established in the US Department of Justice in 1983. It oversees civil immigration litigation, including affirmative and defensive cases. It is in charge of coordinating national immigration matters before the Federal District Courts and the Circuit Courts of Appeals.
The OIL also works closely with the U.S. Attorney’s Offices on immigration cases and supports and counsels federal agencies dealing with immigrant admission, regulation, and removal. The Office is comprised of two main sections: the Appellate Section and the District Court Section.
The Office of Immigration Litigation is divided into the following subsections:
Appellate Section - Office of Immigration Litigation
The Appellate Section has primary responsibility of civil immigration cases before the federal appellate courts. These cases deal with individuals who are subject to removal from the U.S. or who are eligible for benefits, relief, or protection to allow them to stay in the U.S. Appellate Section attorneys write motions and briefs, argue cases, and coordinate with other federal agencies and the Department of Justice to ensure uniform application of immigration laws.
District Court Section - Office of Immigration Litigation
Department of Justice Resources
The Appellate Section (DOJ)
The Appelate Section’s Immigration Litigation Bulletin (DOJ)
The District Court Section (DOJ)