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Organizational Development


This group of activities involves capacity building on issues of organization and its members for effective and efficient delivery of services to the beneficiaries. Broadly, it operates at three levels, which comprises of the following:


A) Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

Internal planning, monitoring and evaluation include the following:

  • Board meetings.

  • Management meetings.

  • Staff meetings.

  • Supervision of activities by the Board and the Executive Director Keeping records and statistics.

  • Processing records and statistics into information and reports.

  • Processing financial disbursement and office administration Evaluation and impact assessment.

  • Internal evaluation at the end of the year.


B) Networking with other organizations.

There is need to share information, experience and lessons learnt where our activities complement other interventions and where other interventions compliment our activities. In this process, we can identify services of other interventions that can benefit our target group. We are therefore able to link our beneficiaries to organizations that can empower them otherwise.


Therefore, we engage in net working activities aimed at enhancing our capacity to meet the needs and concerns of our target beneficiaries.


C) Specific Networking activities

  • We organize or send staff, community workers and volunteers to seminars, symposium and conferences addressing issues that affect our target beneficiaries.

  • Meetings to deliberate on issues affecting women, children and youth.

  • Exchanging programs, experiences and benefits with other organizations.

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